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Musicians and Performers


And in the end……he was knighted by the British Empire as he is Sir Paul. One of the greatest performers of all time delivers a grand finale to remember.  During the last few minutes as we all waited after some great performers; the bass-man; instrumentalist and man of a thousand voices closes the show with the last three songs on the last Beatles album (Abbey Road) with that lasting and enduring lyric. Golden Slumbers/Carry that Weight/The End; the second part medley of side two still sounds as good as ever. After so many years and tears of joy he took the stage and the night just ended in a high perfect note.

A 30 by 30 colored pencil drawing of Abbey Road

A 30 by 30 colored pencil drawing of Abbey Road by Martin M. RochaA colored pencil drawing of Sir Paul by Martin M. Rocha


A note that transmits, transforms and transcends from music to art and art to music. They still blend together as Paul shows he is still one of the most astonishing show man of all time. He is incredible and after all we could all say that Chris Farley did ask the right questions in that enjoyable humorous interview over fifteen years ago.

A colored pencil drawing of Sir Paul by Martin M. Rocha

A colored pencil drawing of Sir Paul by Martin M. Rocha

“AND IN THE END….THE LOVE YOU TAKE …..IS EQUAL TO THE LOVE YOU MAKE”. Simple and beautiful and Mr. Farley questions “IS THAT TRUE?” Of course it is! The more you give the more you get! “THAT WAS AWESOME!” Awesome is what describes last night performance. Thumbs up!


Making an incredible recovery and coming back with heart and soul, Adele performs like no other. Her performance at the Grammys was so emotional as she sang one of her most popular songs “Rolling in the Deep”. As she began singing you could feel the most incredible vibes going down your soul. You knew the performance was going to blow your mind; and it sure did.



By the time she began her performance she had already won a few awards. What can you say about the most outstanding performer of the year? With passion and such a strong commotion she was so grateful of how far she has come along. Her album 21 goes back to old fashion delicacy and deliverance to the emotional beats of Blues, Rock and Jazz. Did I miss a Genre? I sure did!! Pure Art. If you have not seen the music video for “Rolling in the Deep” tune in. It is as impressive artistically as it is musically. The art form and music blend in beautifully. There was no surprise for her winning the awards. She deserves to be the most outstanding performer in every step of the way.



If you have any inquiries about our art, or the artistic process used in the drawing “Behind Blue Eyes”, please feel to contact Martin M. Rocha at martinrochaart@gmail.com. Remember, with Martin M. Rocha Art, a passion for art is truly in the details. Martin M. Rocha of MartinMRocha.com.



ADELE – Rolling in deep 21 steps of art by Martin M. Rocha

Voice, soul, emotion and heart are the four words that describe one of the greatest female performers of all time. English singer Adele sings like no other and her voice has such a powerful commotion and inspiration as it also drives towards despair and heartbreak.

When I first heard that beautiful soulful voice I was astonished with her toning and volume. I was not only impressed with her singing; but listening to “Rolling in the deep” simultaneously with the video I observed how the refinement of art and music continue merging into one another. There was nothing that I could overlook upon all the aspects of the video as it does include elegance and force; both artistically and musically. She has the heart and the soul that separates her from other performers. As her inspiration to unleashed 21 displays all passion from the heart. The heart that is; that I took to draw Adele freehand. I draw with my hands; but most of all from the heart with such an emotion that I can not described.

Some of you art fans believe this is my best work; I feel it is. However, as any artist that seeks to grow and leaving hungry for more; I still don’t feel a 100% satisfied. A good friend told me that it’s the sign of a good artist. Always wanting to explore and find new territories; to me it is only the beginning. Are you hungry for more? Just sit and enjoy the latest 21 steps of Adele with the music of “Rolling in the deep”.


The Beatles in art by Martin M. Rocha

The beauty of Blackbird!! Just enjoy watching some of my Beatles drawings. All done in prismacolor pencils.



DON’T FORGET TO VOTE FOR MY DRAWING ON  http://www.talenthouse.com/   If I win; I will have the opportunity to have this drawing on Sir Paul’s inside CD cover.


The McCartney Postcard

This is a colored pencil drawing of two images from McCartney 1 and one image of McCartney 2. One of them is done in black and white style and the other two are done in Sepia tone. It measures 24 by 30 and completed on a poster board. I came up with the idea of making them look like three distinctive photographs in 3-D style overlapping each other with a post card that reads “McCartney”. I thought it would be a nice touch to draw an Apple logo stamp with London postage seal as well as two separate seals on the yellow background. That gives it a glimpse that they are placed in front of a large envelope. I hope you like it.


The McCartney Postcard in process!

The McCartney Postcard in process!!


Paul McCartney ha llegado a Chicago : Martin M. Rocha

Ha llegado la gran leyenda Paul McCartney a la ciudad de los vientos; Chicago.Uno de los conciertos mas esperados del verano. Quien se iba a imaginar que despues de tanto tiempo Paul McCartney llegara a dar conciertos en partes de Latinoamerica.


Paul 1

Estuvo en Peru durante el dia de las madres y para muchos Peruano ese fue un gran regalo. Un regalo que nunca olvidaran. Tocando conciertos un nuestros paises de habla hispana es un gran sueno hecho realidad. Ha dado conciertos en Mexico y no solamente hemos disfrutado horas de su musica, pero quien se hubiera imaginado que la gran leyenda hable un poco de espanol con sus grandes aficionados.


Paul 2

Dijo en un concierto que los Latinos tenemos un espiritu de entretenimiento muy grande y muy apreciable. Somos un publico con mucha fuerza y aplauso y agradecemos su musica con un mayor entusiasmo.


Paul 3

Hoy me siento muy afortunado de poder ir a ver a una de las grandes leyendas del Rock n Roll!! Se que va a ser un gran concierto al igual que lo fue exactamente hace 21 anyos en el Soldier Field el 31 de julio de 1990 y hoy 31 de julio de 2011 va ser algo muy especial. Espero ver a mucha de mi gente Latina en el Wrigley Field!! Nos vemos!!


Paul McCartney en 1967

If you have any inquiries about our art and texture, the artistic process, please feel to contact Martin M. Rocha at martinmrochaart@gmail.com. With Martin M. Rocha Art, a passion for art is truly in the details; Martin M. Rocha of MartinMRochaArt.com.



Paul McCartney is on the run and in Chicago : by Martin M. Rocha

Sir Paul is here!! He is a living legend and has been the most successful musician of all time. Bringing an average of three and a half hours of music to the windy city. What else can we Beatle fans ask for?

Paul McCartney

Paul 1

From the 1960’s The Beatles have the greatest musical catalog in music history and they never did no wrong. Every album is an amazing feast; from the first one “Please Please Me” to their top of their game and reaching the top of the mountain”Abbey Road”. They never disappointed their fans.

Paul McCartney

Paul 2

Throughout the 1970’s when he formed Wings he brought some amazing music as well. His ultimate best during that era being “Band on the run” is phenomenal. I was only a kid when he toured in 1975-1976 and didn’t return to Chicago until 1989. I was lucky to see him for the first time on July 31st 1990. His show was mind blowing and probably the only concert that the entire stadium at Soldier Field sang every song from the Beatles and Wings Catalog.

Paul McCartney 1967

Paul 3

Now exactly 21 years later I am lucky to see him again and to enjoy the magic of his music, magic that brings so much beauty to many of us. Well Beatle fans, let the show begin, see you at Wrigley Field tonight; a splendid time is guaranteed for all.


Paul McCartney 1967

If you have any inquiries about our art and texture, the artistic process, please feel to contact Martin M. Rocha at martinmrochaart@gmail.com. With Martin M. Rocha Art, a passion for art is truly in the details; Martin M. Rocha of MartinMRochaArt.com.


The Beatles influence in Latin America and the Rolling Stones disaster at Altamont by Martin M. Rocha

The Beatles made an impact in the world of music and their influence was felt throughout the world. In Spanish speaking countries, there is no doubt that their music continues to give people happiness. Latin Americans don’t need to be fluent in English to enjoy their music, but believe or not many people learn; and are motivated by the simplicity and the beauty of the music. The Beatles can do no wrong. Even after 41 years since their break up they still continue to be deliver such a strong message. Measuring at 24 by 36 this drawing is a tribute to my favorite era. The year of Abbey Road.

The Beatles

The Beatles

Another phenomenal band, The Rolling Stones represented the hard driven blues rock n roll of the 60’s and 70’s. Another tribute drawing within the same measurements as The Beatles above; I was inspired by their Altamont tragedy. Dubbed as “Woodstock West” many rock n roll fans view the Altamont disaster as the death of the sixties. Tragedy struck the festival when during The Rolling Stones set a fan was killed in the audience. What makes this interesting is the fact that some fans think it occurred while they were playing “Sympathy for the Devil”. Bizarre, isn’t it? In fact they were playing “Under my thumb”. The rest is history.

The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones

If you have any inquiries about our art and texture, the artistic process, please feel to contact Martin M. Rocha at martinmrochaart@gmail.com. With Martin M. Rocha Art, a passion for art is truly in the details; Martin M. Rocha of MartinMRochaArt.com.

The Who : Who are you and who are they? by Martin M. Rocha


Yes!! They are loud, talented and artistic. The who made it to the Guinness book of world records as the loudest band in the world in the mid seventies. One of their shows in 1976 was measured at 120 decibels; that’s as loud as a jet’s engine. In today’s standards no band are allowed to play that loud. They are a fascinating band that included one of my all time favorite drummers; Keith Moon. I drew this collage from a set of some of my favorite black and white photographs and gave it a unique format to the design on each one. It measures 24 by 36.

Who are you

I drew this album cover about 8 years ago and enjoyed the process. A bizarre twist to the drawing is the fact that drummer Keith Moon is sitting on a chair that read “Not to be taken away”! He died within a few weeks after the album’s release.

Who's next

If you think that was bizarre, how about a fun turnaround to this drawing from one of my favorite masterpieces; “Who’s Next”. For years I thought those were their shadows on the senseless monument; but it turns out they just pissed on it and their album title is more like “Who’s next to go number one?”. Its number one in my book. A tribute to one of my favorite bands.

If you have any inquiries about our art and texture, the artistic process, please feel to contact Martin M. Rocha at martinmrochaart@gmail.com. With Martin M. Rocha Art, a passion for art is truly in the details; Martin M. Rocha of MartinMRochaArt.com.

Led Zeppelin : Fan art and mystery : by Martin M. Rocha

Page and Plant

Yes! Led Zeppelin almost made it to Latin America, but unfortunately never did. I drew this one two years ago as a tribute to their almost South American tour. During the mid to late seventies they cancelled possibilities to play some shows; due to tragedies to Robert Plant’s car accident in Greece and family death fans were left hanging. Its interesting how the myth of making a deal with Lucifer guarantees a life of success and temptation, but in some cases you pay the price.

Swan Song

Very fascinating how the Swan Song logo is a painting called EVENING : FALL OF DAY : LUCIFER RISING; a possible connection with their mystery and interest of the occult. Combining the Led Zeppelin logo along with the old painting gives it a more detailed appearance. The combination of all their album covers makes this drawing a stand out.

Led Zeppelin Collage

Drawing a tribute from their music catalog; from their debut album “Led Zeppelin” to their last “In through the outdoor”!! As many fans call them “The Zepps” who have some of the best collection of music. They don’t disappoint; their sound is so distinctive and unique they manage to impress their fans musically as well as artistically.

If you have any inquiries about our art and texture, the artistic process, please feel to contact Martin M. Rocha at martinmrochaart@gmail.com. With Martin M. Rocha Art, a passion for art is truly in the details; Martin M. Rocha of MartinMRochaArt.com.

The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Doors and Art : by Martin M. Rocha Art

I have always been a fan of Music magazines. Ever since the mid to late sixties music journalism had made some interesting headlines. 1968 was no exception; drawing and putting together fictional magazines with real historical events is entertaining as I also consider fan art.


The Beatles’ 1968 white album symbolized the historical events of such a fascinating year. Some of these headlines include :

1)Back in the USSR – The Soviet Union invade Checkoslovakia.

2) Mexico 1968 and the Olympic games.

3)Blackbird – Riots in the United States.

4)Happiness is not a warm gun – Luther King and Kennedy.

5)While their guitar gently weeps – Clapton and Hendrix.



The Lizard King dies under mysterious circumstances. His death in Paris.


I have always used Stickabilities and transfer letters to bring elegance. Using materials from Blick Art, Crescent and Prismacolor.

Transferring tool

That’s the tool that I use to transfer the letters through rubbing or to straighten sticky letters. As you could see in the process. I apply pressure into the poster board to make the letters strong into the area where it best gives an impressive outlook of art.

The transferring process

If you have any inquiries about our art, the artistic process, please feel to contact Martin M. Rocha at martinmrochaart@gmail.com. With Martin M. Rocha Art, a passion for art is truly in the details; Martin M. Rocha of MartinMRocha.com.

The Beatles fan art : John Lennon 1940-1980 (Sepia Tone style)

Lennon 1

One of the greatest musical icons of the 20th century was taken away from Beatles fans way too soon. However, not many people realized that John Lennon was an artist himself. He attended art school and was extremely amazing at drawing.

Lennon 2

I decided to draw this one with different tones of brown to give it that antique photography appearance. Very similar to the Jimi Hendrix portrait, but took photographs of the process. Such details as the hair, mustache and beard was a development that had to be carefully executed.

Lennon 3

The shading between the different tones of brown on the hair was also a step that had to be completed with caution. Once that step was finished the next challenging task was the blurry background. Continuing to use Prismacolor and the Crescent poster board cotton was also utilized. How can cotton be utilized in art?

John Lennon 1940-1980

By carefully sharpening the pencil with a blade over the drawing and carefully rubbing the color. The darker areas I continued to draw them normally; but the lighter shades of brown had to be accomplished with the cotton.

If you have any inquiries about our art, the artistic process, please feel to contact Martin M. Rocha at martinmrochaart@gmail.com. With Martin M. Rocha Art, a passion for art is truly in the details; Martin M. Rocha of MartinMRocha.com.

Martin M. Rocha Art : The Art of Rock n Roll / Jimi Hendrix and Carlos Santana

I learned to appreciate and enjoy different kinds of musical genres. My taste has extended from the incredible color and sounds of Rock n Roll to the cultural rhythms of Latin American music and art. I have always been a fan of both styles as it has touched my love for the world of art. Both of the drawings of these popular musicians represent the merging of both; art and music.

Carlos Santana "Step 1"

Jimi Hendrix and Carlos Santana are two great examples of both themes. The sound transmits into some of the most astounding images for any art fan to appreciate. They portray the glow and delicacy in the art of Rock n Roll.

JIMI HENDRIX / His life, his music, his concerts, his legacy

I completed the Jimi Hendrix image about four years ago. Believe or not for you art fans out there, the challenging part was neither the face or the hair. The background was the most elaborating segment as I gave it a blurry image to make Jimi’s face more prominent. This drawing represents the spirit and heart of the 1960’s as It illustrates color as well as sound.

Carlos Santana "Step 2"

The drawing of Carlos Santana shows the elegance of the Latin culture in America. Completed in the sepia tone; note that some of the colors on his shirt stand out to give his clothing a more domineering look. Please feel free to comment  about the latest works. Its all for you art fans to enjoy.

Carlos Santana "Step 3"